8.4. 定义新的授权端点响应类型(8.4. Defining New Authorization Endpoint Response Types)

8.4. 定义新的授权端点响应类型

用于授权端点的新的响应类型按照11.3节中的过程在授权端点响应类型注册表中定义和注册。响应类型名称必须符合response-type ABNF。

response-type  = response-name *( SP response-name )
response-name  = 1*response-char
response-char  = "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA


例如,响应类型“token code”未由本规范定义。然而,一个扩展可以定义和注册“token code”响应类型。 一旦注册,相同的组合“code token”不能被注册,但是这两个值都可以用于表示相同的响应类型。


8.4. Defining New Authorization Endpoint Response Types

   New response types for use with the authorization endpoint are
   defined and registered in the Authorization Endpoint Response Types
   registry following the procedure in Section 11.3.  Response type
   names MUST conform to the response-type ABNF.

     response-type  = response-name *( SP response-name )
     response-name  = 1*response-char
     response-char  = "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA

   If a response type contains one or more space characters (%x20), it
   is compared as a space-delimited list of values in which the order of
   values does not matter.  Only one order of values can be registered,
   which covers all other arrangements of the same set of values.

   For example, the response type "token code" is left undefined by this
   specification.  However, an extension can define and register the
   "token code" response type.  Once registered, the same combination
   cannot be registered as "code token", but both values can be used to
   denote the same response type.