10.16. 在隐式流程中滥用访问令牌假冒资源所有者(10.16. Misuse of Access Token to Impersonate Resource Owner in Implicit Flow)

10.16. 在隐式流程中滥用访问令牌假冒资源所有者


资源所有者可能通过给攻击者的恶意客户端许可访问令牌自愿委托资源的访问权限。这可能是由于钓鱼或一些其他借口。攻击者也可能通过其他机制窃取令牌。 攻击者然后可能会尝试通过向合法公开客户端提供该访问令牌假冒资源拥有者。







10.16. Misuse of Access Token to Impersonate Resource Owner in Implicit Flow

   For public clients using implicit flows, this specification does not
   provide any method for the client to determine what client an access
   token was issued to.

   A resource owner may willingly delegate access to a resource by
   granting an access token to an attacker's malicious client.  This may
   be due to phishing or some other pretext.  An attacker may also steal
   a token via some other mechanism.  An attacker may then attempt to
   impersonate the resource owner by providing the access token to a
   legitimate public client.

   In the implicit flow (response_type=token), the attacker can easily
   switch the token in the response from the authorization server,
   replacing the real access token with the one previously issued to the

   Servers communicating with native applications that rely on being
   passed an access token in the back channel to identify the user of
   the client may be similarly compromised by an attacker creating a
   compromised application that can inject arbitrary stolen access

   Any public client that makes the assumption that only the resource
   owner can present it with a valid access token for the resource is
   vulnerable to this type of attack.

   This type of attack may expose information about the resource owner
   at the legitimate client to the attacker (malicious client).  This
   will also allow the attacker to perform operations at the legitimate
   client with the same permissions as the resource owner who originally
   granted the access token or authorization code.

   Authenticating resource owners to clients is out of scope for this
   specification.  Any specification that uses the authorization process
   as a form of delegated end-user authentication to the client (e.g.,
   third-party sign-in service) MUST NOT use the implicit flow without
   additional security mechanisms that would enable the client to
   determine if the access token was issued for its use (e.g., audience-
   restricting the access token).