1.5. 刷新令牌 (1.5. Refresh Token)

1.5. 刷新令牌



+--------+                                           +---------------+
|        |--(A)------- Authorization Grant --------->|               |
|        |                                           |               |
|        |<-(B)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
|        |               & Refresh Token             |               |
|        |                                           |               |
|        |                            +----------+   |               |
|        |--(C)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
|        |                            |          |   |               |
|        |<-(D)- Protected Resource --| Resource |   | Authorization |
| Client |                            |  Server  |   |     Server    |
|        |--(E)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
|        |                            |          |   |               |
|        |<-(F)- Invalid Token Error -|          |   |               |
|        |                            +----------+   |               |
|        |                                           |               |
|        |--(G)----------- Refresh Token ----------->|               |
|        |                                           |               |
|        |<-(H)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
+--------+           & Optional Refresh Token        +---------------+



  • (A)客户端通过与授权服务器进行身份验证并出示授权许可请求访问令牌。
  • (B)授权服务器对客户端进行身份验证并验证授权许可,若有效则颁发访问令牌和刷新令牌。
  • (C)客户端通过出示访问令牌向资源服务器发起受保护资源的请求。
  • (D)资源服务器验证访问令牌,若有效则满足该要求。
  • (E)步骤(C)和(D)重复进行,直到访问令牌到期。如果客户端知道访问令牌已过期,跳到步骤(G),否 则它将继续发起另一个对受保护资源的请求。
  • (F)由于访问令牌是无效的,资源服务器返回无效令牌错误。
  • (G)客户端通过与授权服务器进行身份验证并出示刷新令牌,请求一个新的访问令牌。客户端身份验证要求基于客户端的类型和授权服务器的策略。
  • (H)授权服务器对客户端进行身份验证并验证刷新令牌,若有效则颁发一个新的访问令牌(和——可选地——一个新的刷新令牌)。



1.5. Refresh Token

   Refresh tokens are credentials used to obtain access tokens.  Refresh
   tokens are issued to the client by the authorization server and are
   used to obtain a new access token when the current access token
   becomes invalid or expires, or to obtain additional access tokens
   with identical or narrower scope (access tokens may have a shorter
   lifetime and fewer permissions than authorized by the resource
   owner).  Issuing a refresh token is optional at the discretion of the
   authorization server.  If the authorization server issues a refresh
   token, it is included when issuing an access token (i.e., step (D) in
   Figure 1).

   A refresh token is a string representing the authorization granted to
   the client by the resource owner.  The string is usually opaque to
   the client.  The token denotes an identifier used to retrieve the

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RFC 6749                        OAuth 2.0                   October 2012

   authorization information.  Unlike access tokens, refresh tokens are
   intended for use only with authorization servers and are never sent
   to resource servers.

  +--------+                                           +---------------+
  |        |--(A)------- Authorization Grant --------->|               |
  |        |                                           |               |
  |        |<-(B)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
  |        |               & Refresh Token             |               |
  |        |                                           |               |
  |        |                            +----------+   |               |
  |        |--(C)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
  |        |                            |          |   |               |
  |        |<-(D)- Protected Resource --| Resource |   | Authorization |
  | Client |                            |  Server  |   |     Server    |
  |        |--(E)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
  |        |                            |          |   |               |
  |        |<-(F)- Invalid Token Error -|          |   |               |
  |        |                            +----------+   |               |
  |        |                                           |               |
  |        |--(G)----------- Refresh Token ----------->|               |
  |        |                                           |               |
  |        |<-(H)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
  +--------+           & Optional Refresh Token        +---------------+

               Figure 2: Refreshing an Expired Access Token

   The flow illustrated in Figure 2 includes the following steps:

   (A)  The client requests an access token by authenticating with the
        authorization server and presenting an authorization grant.

   (B)  The authorization server authenticates the client and validates
        the authorization grant, and if valid, issues an access token
        and a refresh token.

   (C)  The client makes a protected resource request to the resource
        server by presenting the access token.

   (D)  The resource server validates the access token, and if valid,
        serves the request.

   (E)  Steps (C) and (D) repeat until the access token expires.  If the
        client knows the access token expired, it skips to step (G);
        otherwise, it makes another protected resource request.

   (F)  Since the access token is invalid, the resource server returns
        an invalid token error.

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   (G)  The client requests a new access token by authenticating with
        the authorization server and presenting the refresh token.  The
        client authentication requirements are based on the client type
        and on the authorization server policies.

   (H)  The authorization server authenticates the client and validates
        the refresh token, and if valid, issues a new access token (and,
        optionally, a new refresh token).

   Steps (C), (D), (E), and (F) are outside the scope of this
   specification, as described in Section 7.