3.1.2. 重定向端点(3.1.2. Redirection Endpoint)
3.1.2. 重定向端点
3.1.2. Redirection Endpoint
After completing its interaction with the resource owner, the
authorization server directs the resource owner's user-agent back to
the client. The authorization server redirects the user-agent to the
client's redirection endpoint previously established with the
authorization server during the client registration process or when
making the authorization request.
The redirection endpoint URI MUST be an absolute URI as defined by
[RFC3986] Section 4.3. The endpoint URI MAY include an
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" formatted (per Appendix B) query
component ([RFC3986] Section 3.4), which MUST be retained when adding
additional query parameters. The endpoint URI MUST NOT include a
fragment component.
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