5.1. 成功的响应(5.1. Successful Response)

5.1. 成功的响应


  • access_token
  • token_type
  • expires_in
  • refresh_token
  • scope

这些参数使用RFC4627定义的“application/json”媒体类型包含在HTTP响应实体正文中。通过将每个参数添加到最高结构级别, 参数被序列化为JavaScript对象表示法(JSON)的结构。参数名称和字符串值作为JSON字符串类型包含。数值的值作为JSON数字类型包含。参数顺序无关并可以变化。


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache



5.1. Successful Response

   The authorization server issues an access token and optional refresh
   token, and constructs the response by adding the following parameters
   to the entity-body of the HTTP response with a 200 (OK) status code:

         REQUIRED.  The access token issued by the authorization server.

         REQUIRED.  The type of the token issued as described in
         Section 7.1.  Value is case insensitive.

         RECOMMENDED.  The lifetime in seconds of the access token.  For
         example, the value "3600" denotes that the access token will
         expire in one hour from the time the response was generated.
         If omitted, the authorization server SHOULD provide the
         expiration time via other means or document the default value.

Hardt                        Standards Track                   [Page 43]

RFC 6749                        OAuth 2.0                   October 2012

         OPTIONAL.  The refresh token, which can be used to obtain new
         access tokens using the same authorization grant as described
         in Section 6.

         OPTIONAL, if identical to the scope requested by the client;
         otherwise, REQUIRED.  The scope of the access token as
         described by Section 3.3.

   The parameters are included in the entity-body of the HTTP response
   using the "application/json" media type as defined by [RFC4627].  The
   parameters are serialized into a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
   structure by adding each parameter at the highest structure level.
   Parameter names and string values are included as JSON strings.
   Numerical values are included as JSON numbers.  The order of
   parameters does not matter and can vary.

   The authorization server MUST include the HTTP "Cache-Control"
   response header field [RFC2616] with a value of "no-store" in any
   response containing tokens, credentials, or other sensitive
   information, as well as the "Pragma" response header field [RFC2616]
   with a value of "no-cache".

   For example:

     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
     Cache-Control: no-store
     Pragma: no-cache


   The client MUST ignore unrecognized value names in the response.  The
   sizes of tokens and other values received from the authorization
   server are left undefined.  The client should avoid making
   assumptions about value sizes.  The authorization server SHOULD
   document the size of any value it issues.