8.2. 定义新的端点参数(8.2. Defining New Endpoint Parameters)

8.2. 定义新的端点参数


参数名称必须符合param-name ABNF,并且参数值的语法必须是明确定义的(例如,使用ABNF,或现有参数的语法的引用)。

param-name  = 1*name-char
name-char   = "-" / "." / "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA



8.2. Defining New Endpoint Parameters

   New request or response parameters for use with the authorization
   endpoint or the token endpoint are defined and registered in the
   OAuth Parameters registry following the procedure in Section 11.2.

   Parameter names MUST conform to the param-name ABNF, and parameter
   values syntax MUST be well-defined (e.g., using ABNF, or a reference
   to the syntax of an existing parameter).

     param-name  = 1*name-char
     name-char   = "-" / "." / "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA

Hardt                        Standards Track                   [Page 50]

RFC 6749                        OAuth 2.0                   October 2012

   Unregistered vendor-specific parameter extensions that are not
   commonly applicable and that are specific to the implementation
   details of the authorization server where they are used SHOULD
   utilize a vendor-specific prefix that is not likely to conflict with
   other registered values (e.g., begin with 'companyname_').