2.0 客户端注册(2. Client Registration)

2.0 客户端注册




  • 指定2.1节所述的客户端类型,

  • 提供它的如3.1.2节所述的客户端重定向URI,且

  • 包含授权服务器要求的任何其他信息(如,应用名称、网址、描述、Logo图片、接受法律条款等)。

2. Client Registration

   Before initiating the protocol, the client registers with the
   authorization server.  The means through which the client registers
   with the authorization server are beyond the scope of this
   specification but typically involve end-user interaction with an HTML
   registration form.

   Client registration does not require a direct interaction between the
   client and the authorization server.  When supported by the
   authorization server, registration can rely on other means for
   establishing trust and obtaining the required client properties
   (e.g., redirection URI, client type).  For example, registration can
   be accomplished using a self-issued or third-party-issued assertion,
   or by the authorization server performing client discovery using a
   trusted channel.

Hardt                        Standards Track                   [Page 13]

RFC 6749                        OAuth 2.0                   October 2012

   When registering a client, the client developer SHALL:

   o  specify the client type as described in Section 2.1,

   o  provide its client redirection URIs as described in Section 3.1.2,

   o  include any other information required by the authorization server
      (e.g., application name, website, description, logo image, the
      acceptance of legal terms).