11.1.1. 注册模板(11.1.1. Registration Template)

11.1.1. 注册模板

  • Type name:


  • Additional Token Endpoint Response Parameters:

    随“access_token”参数一起返回的其他响应参数。 新的参数都必须如11.2节所述在OAuth参数注册表中分别注册。

  • HTTP Authentication Scheme(s):


  • Change controller:

    对于标准化过程的RFC,指定为“IETF”。 对于其他,给出负责的部分的名称。 其他细节(例如,邮政地址,电子邮件地址,主页URI)也可以包括在内。

  • Specification document(s):

    指定参数的文档的引用文献,最好包括可以用于检索文档副本的URI。 相关章节的指示也可以包含但不是必需的。

11.1.1. Registration Template

   Type name:
      The name requested (e.g., "example").

   Additional Token Endpoint Response Parameters:
      Additional response parameters returned together with the
      "access_token" parameter.  New parameters MUST be separately
      registered in the OAuth Parameters registry as described by
      Section 11.2.

   HTTP Authentication Scheme(s):
      The HTTP authentication scheme name(s), if any, used to
      authenticate protected resource requests using access tokens of
      this type.

   Change controller:
      For Standards Track RFCs, state "IETF".  For others, give the name
      of the responsible party.  Other details (e.g., postal address,
      email address, home page URI) may also be included.

Hardt                        Standards Track                   [Page 62]

RFC 6749                        OAuth 2.0                   October 2012

   Specification document(s):
      Reference to the document(s) that specify the parameter,
      preferably including a URI that can be used to retrieve a copy of
      the document(s).  An indication of the relevant sections may also
      be included but is not required.